

Linguistic and cultural know-how is everything. I pay special attention to transferring the content, style, and function of your text as accurately as possible into the target language of your choice, without compromising its quality. As a text expert, it is extremely important to me that the end-user of your text isn't interrupted by abnormalities which would mark the text as 'translated'.


My professional focus is on subtitling. My passion for this field was born in 2010 when I worked for the french-german TV channel Arte in Strasbourg where I got the chance to learn subtitle editing with the help of the in-house editors. In 2014 I had the honor of subtitling my first documentary, Arlette, which gave me the courage to specialise in that area. 


Proofreading includes all services of copy editing (see below) plus the correction of mistakes in the content. A text in its original language or a translation only achieves perfection if the end user doesn't notice any inconsistencies. To attain this goal, I make sure all criteria are met, and thus guarantee that you will gain the credibility of your clients.

Copy editing

In this step, the text will be examined for spelling, style, grammar, punctuation, etc. Don't just rely on spellcheck. Make sure your text is presented flawlessly.